Golden July 30

Lots of wind predicted for today so most people weren't too inspired to fly. No issue with ODage or T-storms, just too much wind up high from the NW. Weirdly enough, it was strong south down lower and on launch we were all launching off the shale south side.

It also looked pretty stable down low and people weren't staying up very high, so we waited until later in the hopes it would get better. It didn't.

Finally I launched and it was indeed stable and bumpy at the same time. Yay! After a couple of hours of flying in the vicinity of Mt. 7, not getting very high (8000' maybe) and being subjected to bumpy lift (especially at the interface between the S and NW winds), I decided to head out to land. It just wasn't worth the effort to cross to Pagliaro and fly into the lee when it's stable. Robin's statement was the best of the day "It's leeside everywhere!", as he joined me to land at Nicholson LZ.

Most other people also landed at Nicholson rather than go XC. Lots of smiling faces in the LZ once again.

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