St. Hilaire, Coupe Icare festival, Sept 20-21

St. Hilaire launches.

Alex and I are now in St. Hilaire for the annual Coupe Icare festival.  A sunny start to the day and the cu's were already popping at 9am so it was time to fly!  Launched from the south launch although the north (costume) launch was also working.  Cloudbase wasn't that high…maybe only 1300m or so, but enough to bomb along the cliffs to the north with not much turning required…almost all the way to the St. Marcel launch at which point the north wind was becoming stronger and more prevalent, so turned back to St. Hilaire.

The north wind was still increasing up high and it was stabling out with the cu's drying up, and back at St. Hilaire launch it was a bit bumpy, so I only went a few km's to the south before returning and landing at the Lumbin LZ (normally it is totally top-landable, but during the festival top-landing is forbidden).  At this point I heard of an accident just to the south both launches where a pilot had had a collapse and crashed into the cliffs, rag-dolling down before coming to a rest on a small ledge.  A helicopter was dispatched to rescue him so we got to watch the action from the LZ.

Back in St. Hilaire (free shuttle back up to launch) it was time to cruise the booths and enjoy the sun…paper airplane competitions, kiting wars, films every night, and the paramotor guys have been going all day.  And there's 3 more days of the festival!  Check out my photos here, or Jim and Colleen's photos here.

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