St. Andre Sept 30

Thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon but the morning was supposed to be good, and it was indeed clear skies when we woke up.  But we could see the skies were gonna fill in soon, so up the mountain to the SE launch for an early flight with the local tandem guys.  Light thermalling but very shady, and eventually everyone landed after 30 minutes or so.

But then the sun made a (re-) appearance and all of a sudden it looked really good.  Back up to launch and this time it was easier to stay up and get to cloudbase around 2000m and do a mini XC past la Mure.  But we could see the big clouds starting to build and the shade was coming in fast again, and this time it looked fairly permanent.  I could see a glider trying to get down with big ears and not being very successful, so I found a nice patch of sink and was able to get down and packed up long before the first claps of thunder made an appearance.  A bunch of HG's set up on the west launch (the SE launch is kinda shallow for them) had to break down and drive back down after it OD'd and the day was clearly over.

Tomorrow may be another St. Andre day, or perhaps to Gourdon to meet up with Jim and Colleen, as the wet weather is predicted to pass tonight for drier skies over the next few days.

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