Blanchard May 29

Heading north with Peter.
The forecast for pretty much everywhere else looked bad with low clouds, rain, and wind, but Blanchard was looking the best of the lot.  Lots of Canucks there today taking advantage of the light winds and thermic conditions.

Long glide back to Blanchard from the north!
Cloudbase was quite low, less than 1000m initially, but it (slowly) rose throughout the day to 1200m at the very end of the day.  Big development over the back but the coast stayed nice, so near the end of the flight Peter, Martin, Dave, and I flew south to connect with the cloudstreet which was stretching to just south of the Skajit Regional Airport.  The first glide away from the mountain was the toughest, as it was a long way and we couldn't get very high (1100m), but once we connected to the first cloud it was 3/4 bar all the way south to the airport, staying in the smooth cloudsuck the entire time.
Playing in the clouds to the south.
We turned around at the airport since there was lots of air traffic near the runway; later on we saw 8-10 stunt planes doing barrel rolls and other synchro acro, presumably practicing for the US's Memorial Day celebrations tomorrow.

Heading back to Blanchard and the LZ.
Other pilots ventured inland to the Sedro-Wooley and north towards Acme, while most others stayed in the vicinity of Blanchard.  Probably 20-25 PG pilots out today!

May 29 flight.

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